Personal data
We need your personal information for two reasons: firstly, we can effectively respond to your inquiries or questions, and secondly, we can provide you with the best possible experience on our website, and with any other digital channels we use. We will use your personal information exclusively for the purpose of completing the form (for example, sending information material, offers) and improving communication with you (for example, targeted advertising and sending of e-mails). With the consent given to the processing of personal data, you agree that the acquired personal data may also apply to determine the use of services, adjust the offer, notify the offer, news and benefits, send e-news and other advertising material, inform users about the services of the company IBS Group Ltd. and associated individuals, and other forms of the usage of transfer data. The collected data can be transferred to third parties with whom IBS Group Ltd. signed a data-processing agreement.
The user may at any time request in writing that IBS Group Ltd., on either a permanent or a temporary basis, stops using the personal data. During the management of the personal data, an individual has, upon request, the opportunity to consult and update the information in the database. With all personal data acquired, the site manager will comply with all applicable laws. Your information is adequately protected in the event of a lost, destruction, forgery, manipulation and unauthorized access or unauthorized disclosure by third parties.
Right to information
If you have any questions regarding our privacy policy or any other forms of processing personal data, feel free to appeal to us directly:
IBS Group Ltd.
Tomšičeva 13
1330 Kočevje
Based on your request, we will inform you in writing and in accordance with relevant regulations what kind of personal information we have collected.
Purpose of use
If we want to provide a personalized user experience, we need to understand the needs and problems of each user. For this purpose, we need to get to know you better. We want to see which issues you are interested in, what content you read on our web pages, what are the most effective communication channels, etc. The user permits IBS Group Ltd. to process and store the personal data transmitted, in accordance with applicable laws, after giving the consent to the storage, processing and transmission of personal data by downloading files from the Internet, by submitting their data via web forms or by ordering to e-news.
With the consent given, the user permits IBS Group Ltd., as an operator of the personal data filing system, to process collected personal data for the purpose of the sampling, surveying and statistical data processing, as well as for the determination of the use of services, for adapting the offer and segmentation, for market research, for informing about the offer, novelties and benefits, for sending e-news and other advertising material, for informing the users of IBS’s services, products and events, as well as associated individuals, and for other uses of the information provided.
IBS Group Ltd. can process the above mentioned data for its own needs to the withdrawal of its consent with the request for the removal of personal data from the database, and besides, only for the time required to achieve the purpose for which the data were collected and until the subscriber is subscribed to e-news, or until the operator ends the activities on the market. At the time of personal data management, an individual can, upon request, be able to view and update the information in the database.
Protecting Your Privacy
IBS Group Ltd. provides all the necessary technological and organizational solutions for the complete safety of your data. The transfer of sensitive personal and transaction data to a website is carried out in secure mode using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol.